My plan today is just walk around with no plans. On the way, I found many Japanese language schools with the signboard “Japan”. I have never met any Nepalis in Okinawa myself but my friend said she had seen ikemen (hot) Nepali guy at a convenience store in Naha city.

日本語学校がこんなに!Many Japanese schools!
Then I see some familiar views that I had seen on internet. I was at Durbar Square. Didn’t realize it was so close from the hostel. (No, I hadn’t done any research even on neighborhood).

聖なる動物とされる鳩ですが、無数にいてちょっと怖い。I was scared of sacred doves. It’s so many!
It has been more than two years since Nepal Earthquake in April 2015, still reconstruction was undergoing everywhere.

「一緒に復興しよう」という看板がゆがんでるのが、なんだかせつない。The crooked board “Lets’s rebuild together” made me feel sad.
Approximately 9000 people died in the earthquake. Although Nepal government received donations from many countries, it has not been spent adequately as there was a confrontation between the ruling and opposite parties regarding the first Nepali democratic constitution.
I remember that there was a similar problem in Tohoku earthquake 2011. I remember that the world was impressed by the news that the road was repaired just in a week after destroyed by the earthquake. When I saw the new building under construction with just bricks and cement made me worried. What if another earthquake hit Nepal again…

I went back to the street where the Japan schools were to take late lunch. I had chow mein which is almost like Yakisoba (fried noodles). The noodle was firm. 145 rupees (145 yen) with a cup of coffee.

チョウメン。ほぼ日本でいう焼きそば。Chow mein. Fried noodles. Almost like Yakisoba.

I got a little tired so I just stopped by at a super market and bought shampoo, water, cookies, and ramen noodles. I will have the ramen noodles as a snack as Nepali people do.
I feel my body is heavy. Maybe got a cold. I go to sleep early tonight. Good night.