Yay, Nepal!
Was not actual my reaction about the first day of Nepal. Unfortunately, several annoying stuff happened so I was not so excited at all.
My flight from Thailand was in the early morning via Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I arrived at Kathmandu at 10 pm. Come to think of it, I think I was already frustrated at Kuala Lumpur Airport.
At the boarding gate to Nepal, despite the announcement that says that only those with the back-row seats can board at the moment, people rushed into the gate. Not in a queue. In many queues! It was almost like they just gathered around the gate.
エアラインのスタッフが怒って、One by one!と叫ぶ始末。機内に入ると、規定以上の荷物を持っている人が多かったのか、上の棚が一杯でCAの人が場所を確保するのに苦労している様子。やっと荷物を入れて席に着くかと思いきや、今度は席に座らず立っている人、シートベルトをしない人、その度にCAが注意したり指示したり、なかなか落ち着きません。もおー(怒)。結局出発に1時間近くかかった気がします。(少なくとも体感的には)
The airline staff even had to shout out “One by one!” at the crowd. After boarding on the plane, many passengers seemed to have more luggage than they’re supposed to have so the cabin crews had hard time organizing all those luggage in a limited compartment space. There were passengers who were standing for, I don’t know the reason. There were people who didn’t fasten their seat belts on. It was chaotic. It ended up taking almost an hour to depart. (At least I felt it was more than an hour.)
Arrived at Tribhuvan Airport, Kathmandu. It took another long time to receive my luggage so by the time I left the arrival gate, I was exhausted and very anxious about the country. It was cold (Probably less than 10 degree), late at night, the airport was dark. I tried to search airport wifi but failed. So as I was told by my friend who lives in Nepal, I walked up to the Ncell, a phone shop that sells Nepal SIM card, right outside the arrival gate.
For the first time, I purchased a SIM in different country. I filled out the application form, my name and address, etc. I handed them a copy of my photo and my passport. I purchased a 30-day plan with 2,5GB. Total 8 USD (3 USD for SIM card, 5 USD for 2,5GB). I took a taxi to the hostel. I didn’t have Nepali Rupees so I paid in US dollars.
The taxi driver seemed nice person, he spoke to me with his broken Japanese. I gave him the name and address of the hostel. He was not familiar with the hostel but he was nice enough to make a phone call to the hostel and safely took me there.

昼間のタメルの通り。ダルチョというヒンズー教の旗がはためいています。Prayer flag (Darchog) on the Street in Thamel (daytime).
Arrived at the hostel. It was in a dark back street type of the street with no enough lights. The owner welcomed me and had me checked-in the room.

ホステルのロビー(昼間)。Lobby of the hostel (daytime).
I found a only person at the lobby so said hello. He said he was from Italy and he was checking out tomorrow to go to New Zealand. We chatted for a little while and I went back to the room and prepared to get a shower before going to bed. I opened the water tap. No hot water. I closed and opened the tap again. Waited for a few minutes. No hot water… Well, I already undressed so I had to take a cold shower when it’s less than 10 degree outside.
The shower room was oust side, apart from the room. My body got cold. My feet also got cold so I couldn’t sleep. I told myself that I would buy a pair of warm thick socks the first thing tomorrow, and closed my eyes.