[ネパール]ネパールのチベット人 [Nepal] Tibetan in Nepal.

Prayer flag.




I and Trine, a hostel friend from Norway, went to Bodhanath temple. Bodhanath is Hindu temple that has the biggest stupa (tower) in Nepal. Trine was going to meet her Tibetan friend there.

ネパールのタクシー。ロゴもメーターも何もない。Nepali taxi with no logo nor meter,


First went out to the big street to get a taxi. We find a taxi and the haggling starts. Taxis in Nepal don’t have meter so you have to haggle every time you ride which I find a bit tiring. The driver said 500 rupees but we knew already that the average would be around 300 rupees so we haggled again and again. Didn’t agree so we went on to the next taxi until we got 300 rupees.

ボダナート Boudhanath


We met up with Trine’s friend Tenzin. He is Tibetan living in Nepal.

寺の上は歩けるようになっています。You can walk on the temple.

Prayers. 祈る人々。

Prayers. 祈る人々。

テンジンが私達を家に招待してくれました。Tenzin invited us to his house.

テンジンと彼のお姉さん。Tenzin and his sister.



He moved to Nepal when he was ten years old. Since then, he has never been able to see his family for 17 years. He said that it’s almost impossible to get a passport from the Chinese government. He can only talks with his family in Tibet over video/phone calls.

I was told that it’s not uncommon to see people who are in the similar situation in Nepal.

暖かいお茶とクッキーを頂きました。Hot tea and cookies.


Despite of the unexpected visitors, his sister kindly welcomed us and made tea and some cookies. As I learn about his situation, probably I shouldn’t but I felt bad about me traveling without any hesitation or anything obstacles. I didn’t know what to say so I said “I can put you inside my bag and take you to Tibet!” They smiled at my joke but I instantly regretted it. Stupid me.

Prayer flag.

I pray but not sure what praying can do anything for better.




と思ったらまさかのウサギでした(笑) Rabbit. Lol.