いよいよ出発!行く(1月9日)の日 Departure on the day of Go!

(English follows.)

出発の今日は1月9日、19、イク、行くの日だ!なんて旅立ちにぴったりの日! と、その日のチケットがたまたま安かっただけなのに勝手にテンション上がってたのはこないだまでで。。


背後からこんなことされない様に気を付けるんだよ、と友人達に激励されて。My friend demonstrating how bad people would approach from behind.

行ってきます! Goodbye for now!



いよいよ世界旅のスタートです!  怖い。でも楽しみ。。でも怖い。やっぱり楽しみ。いや、楽しみます!

Today January 9th, on the day of “Go”, I left Okinawa for the first destination of my world travel, Bangkok,Thailand. 1(Jan) and 9 can be read as “Iku” together in Japanese which means “Go”. What a perfect day for my departure! Right? I was very excited to the fact even though it was just a mere coincidence..only until later.

However in reality, I started to get more worried, scared, sad to leave family and friends as the day was approaching. The world travel is such a pain! It requires a ton of research, a ton of preparation, a ton of emotions because you say goodbye to everyone and I assume even more emotions to deal with on thew way. Never that I regret my decision but why on earth did I come up with the idea that is such a pain? But I forced myself ignore the thought and left the island as planned, on the day of go.

Inside the late night flight for Bangkok, I couldn’t stop my tears. Maybe I was just overwhelmed by the beautiful stars out the airplane window.

Four hours later, I arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport and my first sleepover was at the airport. Very backpackerlike, isn’t it? My boss introduced me this person in Bangkonk and she told me to stay at the airport until she comes pick me up in the morning. She said it is dangerous to take a taxi by yourself alone in the night. I was honestly a bit scared so it was very generous offer to me.

 My journey has begun. Am I excited? Yes, but scared. Am I scared? Yes, but excited. Let’s go! I’m excited after all!