Myanmar Day 2: Went to Shwedagon pagoda, The most sacred temple in Myanmar. It’s a bit too far to walk from the hostel, so should I get a taxi? It crossed my mind for a second, but I decided to take a bus. The hostel staff gave me the bus information (Bus number, name of the bus stop) and even gave me a paper with the info written in Burnese on it.
I went out to the main street and waited at where I assumed was a bus stop, for probably 20 minutes. Many buses were passed by but not 36. So I went inside a mobile store nearby and asked a lady. She seemed she didn’t know so she asked one of her colleagues. After they discussed and searched on the internet for a while, I felt bad and didn’t want to take up their time any longer so I told them that “I will be ok. Thank you so much for your help.” I went to the Sule Pagoda intersection where I was the day before.
By the way, the road condition in Yangon is very bad. There are gaps and holes everywhere so it’s fear for me who could stumble even where there is nothing. I carefully hop, step, jump, as if I were in a obstacle race. All for the safety. Safety first.
Is that 36? Yes, that’s 36! Three of them at the same time! But oh no. I need to cross this crazy Yangon intersection to get there! There is no way I can make it, But I don’t want to wait in the sun anymore.と、ゆるーく走ったら間に合いました。。この時ばかりはヤンゴンの渋滞に感謝。
So I ran a little, Just casually, then I made it! Unbelievable. I have never appreciated the Yangon’s crazy traffic until this moment.
Here I am at Shwedagon Pagoda!

シュエダゴンパゴダ Shwedagon Pagoda
The tower you see on the left back is 100 meters high. There were many people praying. You need to take off your shoes inside the temple and you would think that the floor would be very hot under the sun (more than 30 degree), however the marble floor felt nice and cool.
I met two Burmese students who were studying Japanese at a cafe I stopped by.隣のテーブルからカタコトの日本語が聞こえたので、声を掛けると、彼らも私が中国人なのか日本人なのかと話していたらしく、久しぶりの日本語でおしゃべり。近くの日本語学校に通っていて、男の子のほうは6月から日本の姉妹校に留学することが決まっていて、女の子のほうは日本で働くべく仕事を探しているということでしたが、なかなかビザまで面倒を見てくれる会社がないとのことでした。
I heard the people at the next table were talking in Japanese so I said “Kon nichiwa” to them. They said they were just talking if I were Japanese or Chinese. We chatted in Japanese for a while. They told me they both go to Japanese school nearby. He said he is going to school in Japan in June. and the girl said that she wants to get a job in Japan but it is hard to find a company that will support visa.
They took me to old Bogyo Aung San Market and brand new mordern shopping mall that just opened last year. (Forgot to take photo of the old market.)
Myanmar Day 3: The students I met yesterday said “You’ve got to see Shwedagon Pagoda at night! It’s beautiful!”, so we went together. The local people can enter the pagoda for free of charge anytime. I paid another 1000 MKK. (1000 JPY). Maybe because it’s not as hot at night, there definitely were more people than daytime. And they were right. The pagoda was even more gold and stunning.
I felt as if I was walking through the Christmas lights. (I hate my poor expression so much right now.)
They took me to a rooftop bar on Sakura Tower where you can view the entire city. You can also see the golden Shwedagon Pagoda in the dark.

夜景の向こうに浮かぶシュエダゴンパゴダ Golden Shwedagon Pagoda
I usually don’t drink beer but the beer today was so good!
For your informaion, the Sakura Tower was built by the Japanese company in 1999. It has 20 stories and it’s still the tallest building in Yangon as of today. Sitting it the comfy sofa in the bar, for a little while, I forgot about the chaotic city just below us.
Tomorrow will be the last day in Yangon.