Happy Holi! Today is the day of Holi festival, one of the biggest Hindu festival that celebrates the spring. Also known as “color festival” as they use color powder to throw at each others.
We headed to the university where should be one of the best place to enjoy holi.
As a preparation, we put oil to the exposed body parts so that the colors can be easily cleaned off after. I see.
Let’s take tuktuk and get started! Yay! So exciting! Saw many people with colors on them on the streets. As we pass by, they say “Happy Holi!” and put their hands with colors on us on our face or head or wherever! So did we the same to them!
We reached to the university! Already so many people are dancing and coloring!

この時はまだそんなに色ついてません。I was still not colored well yet at this point.
”ハッピーホーリー!”と言ってカラーを塗りたくられます。こっちも負けじと”ハッピーホーリー!”と言ってぬり返します。 笑
まるでクラブ。大音響で音楽が鳴っています。It’s like a club! The music is loud!

踊りまくり! Dancing like crazy!

楽しいー! So fun!!
Grow-ups and kids are equally the same today. You don’t get to complain if you got colored by strangers. There were few people said no but when my hostel friend put colors to one of the security guard who said no, he seemed happy. I guess Indian people just can’t deny it but feel happy on this holi day.
When the party reached its climax, the music stopped and they announced it’s going be the last song. What!? It’s only 2 in the afternoon. It’s still in the middle of the party. They said it’s the way it is.
So we went back to the hostel. Probably it’s because of holi, we had to walk quite a while until we could catch tuktuk.
In the shower. I had to wash my hair several times to remove the color. Still I could see some colors on my neck and arms but I was told no to worry that it will naturally come off by tomorrow.
We had a dinner at our usual market.

これこれ、やっぱり美味しい。I had this again because it’s really good.

すでに食べてる人。自分の注文を待っている人。みなみ、アレックス、ナタリー。One is eating and others are waiting for they meals to come. Minami, Alex, Nathalie.

このまとまりのなさ。後ろではまたいつもの腕相撲やってるし。笑。This is how we for the teamwork. Lol. Someones are plying arm wrestling back there.
It was really a great day. We are all same people. Ichariba cho de (Okinawan dialect). Humanism? I was very happy to feel all of these.
Actually today, I had to move to a different hostel as the current hostel “Hide-in” was full when I tried to extend my stay. But one dear friend offered his bed as he said he was checking out the late at night anyway so I could have his bed. I felt bad so I refused but he convinced me to take the offer. All I could do to show my appreciation to him was to give him a small bag of Okinawan snack that I had left in my bag. I love Indian people even more! He checked out later after he took a nap on the couch in the living room.
Good night. Happy Holi.